Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My World

Its not that im not ambitious. I am. Its just that I dont feel any particular desire to accomplish my goals in the immediate future. And risk missing out on this. On these moments that right now are shaping and dictating my life. The times I will one day look back on fondly, with a smile on my face and possible a tear in my eye.

I have met someone that has questioned me relentlessly about my chosen lifestyle and has consequently induced numerous emotions. I dont want for the things most do. I have no idea exactly where I will be next week and I like it that way. There are moments when I look at the sun or the stars and am reminded that all that matters is my path of self discovery. To learn and teach as much as I can.

Everyone has different views about why they are here and I am genuinenly interested in what they have to say. If I have say 20 - 30 years left in me, how do I forsee these years passing? Working in a job I hate to buy shit I dont need. Or spending my years discovering my land, this huge space we have divided into portions. I have been given the wonderful gift of a mind and I intend to explore it to the end.

My fortune as I look back on it amazes me ...The situations I have got myself into. The memories of my life I own in my mind are far from any reality I could have ever concieved for myself. I have led the fullest life, with the least amount of boundaries possible. The only thing that has ever bounded me is money ..But Ive always found a way.

I see his point and I do understand that this mindset does not entirely scream suitable companion.

However, I choose my choice..


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