Monday, January 15, 2007

The Forces

Society is presently concerned only with the Material Forces, failing to recognise the spiritual forces. Yet, what is a Material Force but the visable manifestation of the Spiritual Force behind it? To accept the material manifestation and deny the Spiritual Force that creates and controls it is to place yourself in the illogical position of accepting an effect - and denying its cause.


Blogger GT said...

Just because people don't use the word spiritual to describe the cause doesn't mean they're ignoring it. Some just say 'in a world of things this is just another thing'.
And I think society is insane about spirituality actually. How rich did the Da Vinci Code make Dan brown?

11:57 pm  
Blogger walkingonsunshine said...

hmmmm.. Got anything else to add? Im looking for some interesting evaluation of life. Havent read my blog in so long.. Whats up with you? ..crazy person commenting on my life :)

12:04 am  

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