Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The most undesirable attribute of someone is a constant need to be right no matter what. It is just disgusting. It always surprises me that someone can turn out that way. How where they before though I wonder? Were they always one of those popular little bastard children that always had a bunch of people hanging around them despite the fact that each and every one of them would had punched them as hard as they could, should the opportunity have ever presented itself.

Its hard to imagine that someone can be so disturbed and jaded from the past that they are now able to completely concoct incredibly dramatic imaginary lives for every person they come into contact with. These creations allow them to ultimately percieve the world as unemotional and contrived. Thus confirming all their bitter notions. Justifying their negative views on everything and everyone.

I have wrecked my brain trying to understand why he is the way that he is and I am no closer to figuring any of it out, its a complete mystery and I just cant do this to myself anymore. I know how I deserve to be treated and im not getting it. Sure, he can be gentle. He opens the door and lets me go first. He has manners, and in most ways he is a gentleman. But he turns, and quickly. He makes me nervous - how can I ever talk about my past, my experiences when everything I say he questions. If he aked me things and listened to my responses he would see.

But he doesnt want to see me. He has his opinion and anything questioning that would mean he was wrong, right? No, No he cant be wrong..How can you be with someone that doesn't believe a word you say. That essentially thinks all women are whores because he has met the worst of them.