Sunday, September 30, 2007


Once you have crossed boundaries with someone its almost impossible to get them back. You dont have a line anymore and the ability you may have once had to speak calmly and rationally is all but lost. Things are said in anger and its just horrible.

I know that when someone has been hurt in the past its hard to let go of those cautious emotions. But its got to stop. Without trust there is nothing and at some point enough is enough. You just cant take your baggage with you, its not healthy and its not fair on the other person. You cant just assume that everything else in your life is going to play out the same way. It means you become this bitter, jaded person, suspicious and paranoid about every person that comes your way or every situation you find yourself in.

We cant communicate and im not sure what to make of all of it really? What have I learnt, what lesson was this supposed to be? There seemed like a thousand reasons why we met and fell in love, how is it possible it should all end like this?